A few days ago, I put out a few queries and now, my email box is inundated with all manner of offers! One wants to talk to me about their self-publishing services. Another wants to offer me a class that will "guarantee" I'll make 6 figures doing copy writing, and still have plenty of time to work on my own projects. Yet another wants to invite me to a writer's conference while the price is still 50% off!
The skeptic in me wonders if they really want to help me succeed or if they are simply desirous of parting me from my hard earned coin? (and yes, I'm leaning heavily towards the latter!).
I'm sure there are some folks out there who are not only honest and reputable, but really do deliver on their promises, but how do you separate the wheat from the chaff?
Those of us who are just venturing out into the world, unwrapping the babies we've penned over the years and wondering whether to allow them to attempt to fly, or to just wrap them back up in their protective covering and shield them from life's pitfalls and pratfalls.
For the moment, I haven't any warm, fuzzy feelings towards anyone offering me something...for a price. It's not that I expect something for nothing, but I am definitely one to stand clear of those who email blast or hard sell.
Is it too much to ask that, just as we writers do our research, so, too, should those who are propositioning us with offers of the moon and stars? The very least they should do is read some of what we've written, especially if it is so easily accessible via our blogs, before making promises they really don't know if they can keep. Maybe my style would be appropriate for what they're offering (and yes, I'd like them to give me some examples) and maybe it wouldn't. But the last thing I need is for someone to blow smoke up my a$$ when it's clear to me that they are really just trying to make a buck.
To put it clearly and succinctly, tell me the truth, or take your business elsewhere. :)
Write on!
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